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Contact Us

When responding to your message please indicate below how we can contact you - please tick all that apply.

We will not mention ARCH in texts or voicemails. If you prefer email, please be sure to check your junk mail.

PLEASE NOTE:  To help us educate and inform other groups about how abortion affects women and others we would like to use some anonymised phrases  from emails we receive.


If you would prefer no part of your email was used please say

"No sharing". 


Anonymised phrases may be, for example, "It's been 5 years and I still struggle", "I was forced".  No identifying information whatever would be shared. If you have any questions about this please ask.

Thanks for submitting!

'Abortion Recovery Care and Helpline (ARCH) is an independently run project of SPUC Education and Research Trust, charity no. 1143342 (England & Wales) SC043441 (Scotland)

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